Atomic Heart

沒有人知道它們的意義 / 但知道它們的安靜 / 交通燈知道 / 欄杆知道 / 郵筒知道 / 城市的衣服是安安靜靜的 / 連花開的聲音都没有 /// Featured book:《連花開的聲音都没有》 西草
Thoughts: 有一刻,我喺度諗…真係好呀…可以同一班同我差唔多年紀又鍾意寫詩嘅朋友一齊食飯。 但係又偏偏得我自己一個係寫英文。如果有一日,我啲中文都好似大家咁好就好啦。
Playlist: / Curated and presented by Atom Alicia C for the radio station CFMS 105.9 FM The Region

What is Atomic Heart?

A weekly sampling of Hong Kong’s pop and poetry curated with a lyrical edge. From the current to the nostalgic, all presented in English and Cantonese by Atom Alicia C.