XMTR Radio Hour

This XMTR (Transmitter) Radio Hour hands over the reigns to Adriene and Stuart from LLtNS (Long Live the New Sound) the freeform anti-podcast podcast for creative audio where audio makers and recordists can freely upload their sounds to add to this ever growing archive. They have chosen a selection of unexpected, eclectic, precise, messy and otherwise sounds from what has been uploaded over the years. 

Featuring,  in order:  
  • Misophonic Happenings by Carlo Patrão
  • ASLEEPerd by sleep number beds
  • 920am by Jazmine (JT) Green
  • Episode 1 : The Circles by Matters of Truth
  • Rakiura/Stewart Island - 09/23 by Sam Donkin
  • Episode 2 : The Change by Matters of Truth
  • good and bad and dangerous and dangerously good by  information jewellery
  • On the village cricket pitch by SDU
  • We Went Camping by Regan Hutchins
  • Voies Urbaines: Rue Mespoul by Mathias Guilbaud
  • This is absolutely, definitely not a test. And the previous episode was too long by vegetarian nachos
  • A Past Life by Olivia Ravioli
  • Fish by Cristina Marras
  • Engaged by Mr.
  • Cracking Through by Lily Sloane
  • Sherry's Health Insurance Nachos by Henrici Tai
  • Throwing rocks at a frozen river by adriene

What is XMTR Radio Hour?

Do you find yourself stuck in the same channels? Unable to break out of the echo-chamber of your media consumption and worldview. Transmitter is here to cut through the noise. Lucia Scazzocchio from 'Social Broadcasts' scans the digital soundscape every other month to bring you original sounds, new voices and archive treasures from podcasts, radio, sound installations and anything that catches her ears.