Speak The Truth

In this episode, the hosts, Mike, Shauna, and Jeremy discuss EMDR Therapy with Author and Biblical Counselor, Eliza Huie. Eliza is clinically trained in EMDR with years of biblical counseling and provides a great introduction into what is EMDR Therapy, who should receive it, if it's safe, and ultimately for the sake of the Christian community, is it biblical. She discusses a biblical-connected approach to EMDR and its process and how to get started.

Show Notes

Episode Notes:

- What is EMDR Therapy
  • Developed by Psychologist Francine Shapiro, EMDR stands for Eye Movement Reprocessing and Desensitization. It focuses on how memory is stored in the brain and how that impacts experience. It is a successful evidenced-based method for treating trauma.
- How is it used
  • EMDR uses dual attention stimulation (eye movements, tapping, or rhythmic audio sounds) to activate the brain’s orienting response, allowing you to access adaptive information and attach it to the memory of trauma. “EMDR connects the ‘here and now’ parts of your brain to the ‘then and there’ trauma parts until your brain says I'm ok.
- Is EMDR biblical
  • To ask if EMDR is biblical may not be the right question if you are hoping to find the Scripture that speaks of it. The better question may be, “Is it unbiblical?” To that the answer is easy. –No. Nothing in the practice of EMDR goes against Scripture. When done by a
        biblical counselor, it is best understood that EMDR is applying neuroscience to biblical counseling.
- Scriptures and the EMDR process
  • Psalm 139:14- The complexities of the brain are the Lord’s handiwork.
  • John 16:13- Speaks of the Spirit’s role to guide us in truth. Believing clients often find the truth of Scripture plays a key role in the EMDR process. 
  • Jeremiah 33:6- Reminds us that healing is connected to truth.
  • John 8:32- Truth has the power to set us free from what binds. 
  • 2 Corinthians 10:5- Calls us to take thoughts captive.
  • Isaiah 61:1-3- Gives a picture of the healing that is ours.
  • Psalm 24:1- All things belong to the Lord, including methods of care and healing.
- Who should consider EMDR
    - If you've been impacted by trauma
  • Trauma is defined as the emotional shock following a deeply distressing or disturbing experience. Trauma overwhelms the senses and hijacks normal processing. Traumatic experiences cover a broad range. Some include personal involvement where something happened to you. Others include something that happened to someone with you. Situations can also be traumatic due to the personal significance and impact on your life. Trauma results in an overwhelming sense of fear, feelings of helplessness, and loss of control. PTSD and CPTSD are clinical diagnoses given to people who are dealing with the continual impact of trauma. However, you do not need a diagnosis for EMDR to be helpful in processing your experience.
- If you feel "stuck"
  • EMDR is extremely helpful to people who feel stuck in their struggle. If negative self-talk, catastrophizing, feeling continually overwhelmed, or feelings of hopelessness are part of your regular life, reprocessing target events and memories with EMDR can help. If your life seems centered around the negative experiences of your past and traditional talk-therapy has not fully helped you move forward, EMDR may be exactly what is needed.
- Is EMDR safe
  • Yes. Because EMDR is non-invasive and client-led, there is little concern surrounding the process or impact of the therapy. Below are supporting facts as well as things to consider:
    • The client remains fully coherent and focused during the process. 
    • The client sets the pace and can decide if they need to stop at any time. 
    • When done properly, EMDR has the least susceptibility to suggestion or manipulation than do other therapies.
    • EMDR should only be done by a professionally trained therapist. 
    • While EMDR is considered safe, not everyone is a good candidate for this therapy. Consult with a trained professional to determine if it is right for you.

Episode Resources:

Eliza's Books
    - Raising Teens in a hyper-sexualized world
    - Raising kids in a screen saturated world

What is Speak The Truth?

A podcast devoted to giving biblical truth for educating, equipping, and encouraging the local church in counseling and discipleship.