In today's episode, Edgar tells us about the challenges he faced in finding acceptance as a gay man among his religious and traditional family in Oaxaca, Mexico. Edgar also shares with us some life lessons he has learned through his relationships that have led to his positive outlook towards life. Despite his many hardships, Edgar says he is happy and determined to live his life to the fullest.
En el episodio de hoy, Edgar nos cuenta sobre los desafíos que enfrentó para encontrar aceptación como hombre gay entre su familia religiosa y tradicional en Oaxaca, México. Edgar también comparte con nosotros algunas lecciones de vida que ha aprendido a través de sus relaciones y que le han llevado a tener una perspectiva positiva de la vida. A pesar de sus muchas dificultades, Edgar dice que está feliz y decidido a vivir su vida al máximo.
What is Unconditional Love?
Explores the commonalities of Queer Becoming by sharing individual narratives of the Coming-Out experience.