Gavel In
Episode 7
Season 1
Ep. 7: Reaching Your Constituents and Translating Your Impact to the District
In this episode, Aubrey Wilson and Taylor J. Swift welcome onto the podcast a bipartisan mix of current Members of Congress and former Chiefs of Staff who share their advice on how to make your work in Washington more accessible and relevant to the folks back home in your district, including creative email campaigns, real-time FaceTiming with constituents, music festivals, and more.
- Rep. Kat Cammack [R, FL]
- Rep. Maxwell Frost [D, FL]
- Rep. Bryan Steil [R, WI]
- Betsy Wright Hawkings, Manager of Congressional Outreach at the Levin Center and former Chief of Staff for multiple Members including Former Rep. Christopher Shays [R, CT]
- Bradford Fitch, former President and CEO of the Congressional Management Foundation