Tiede, Rakkaus, Vallankumous

In this special English episode we talk about organizational resilience with Associate Professor, Resilience researcher Sanna Malinen from the University of Canterbury, New Zealand. New Zealand has good skills in crisis management, because of frequent earthquakes taking place. Moreover, it seems that NZ has survived well from the COVID-19 -crisis. We talk about the learnings from handling the earthquake situations, and discuss if they have helped in surviving from Covid? We also argue if the findings from organizational resilience studies done in NZ are applicable to Finland? Could the same kind of actions be impressive here too?

Show Notes

In this special English episode we talk about organizational resilience with Associate Professor, Resilience researcher Sanna Malinen from the University of Canterbury, New Zealand. New Zealand has good skills in crisis management, because of frequent earthquakes taking place. Moreover, it seems that NZ has survived well from the COVID-19 -crisis. We talk about the learnings from handling the earthquake situations, and discuss if they have helped in surviving from Covid? We also argue if the findings from organizational resilience studies done in NZ are applicable to Finland? Could the same kind of actions be impressive here too?

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- Filosofian Akatemia: www.filosofianakatemia.fi/podcast
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What is Tiede, Rakkaus, Vallankumous?

Keskustelemme vieraidemme kanssa työelämän murroksesta ja sen uusimmista ilmiöistä – ja kutsumme sinut mukaan vallankumoukseen inhimillisemmän työelämän puolesta.

Kysymyksiä, kommentteja, lisätietoa:

- Filosofian Akatemia: www.filosofianakatemia.fi/podcast

- Facebook: www.facebook.com/filosofianakatemia

- Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/company/594337

- Instagram: @filosofian_akatemia

- Twitter: @filosofianakate