Davening Takeaways - Project Likkutei Torah

Davening Takeaways - Project Likkutei Torah Trailer Bonus Episode 193 Season 1

Davening Takeaway of Likkutei Torah Bamidbar Daf 89 w/ Rabbi Shmuel Weinstein

Davening Takeaway of Likkutei Torah Bamidbar Daf 89 w/ Rabbi Shmuel Weinstein Davening Takeaway of Likkutei Torah Bamidbar Daf 89 w/ Rabbi Shmuel Weinstein

Rabbi Shmuel Weinstein is director of Chabad House on Campus in Pittsburgh, PA, serving multiple university campuses in the Pittsburgh area.  He has also held research and teaching positions in science and engineering, hired by Westinghouse Electric Co., Carnegie Mellon University, and Yeshiva Schools of Pittsburgh high school.

This episode is partially dedicated L'ilui Nishmas Feige bas Betzalel HaKohen

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What is Davening Takeaways - Project Likkutei Torah?

Join Rabbi Shmuel Weinstein as we explore one insight from the Project Likkutei Torah Daf Yomi cycle each day as it applies to our avodas hatefillah (prayer). Episode sponsorships are available by visiting projectlikkuteitorah.com/partner .