Decarb Connect

Find out how Anna Douglas and the team at Aeroborn are transforming co2 into products and materials with wide applications and usage. Permanent sequestration of CO2 in usable forms.

Show Notes

CCUS is a broad term and yet often is applied narrowly to projects focused on underground storage. Aeroborn is one of a number of exciting disruptors with CCUS-tech that allows for the transformation of CO2 into other products… products that are usable whilst also storing the CO2 permanently. In the case of Aeroborn, it is converted to sustainable carbon black materials.
Join Alex as she talks with Anna Douglas, the co-Founder and Chief Science Officer for Aeroborn as they talk about the need for reuse of CO2 in products that have high demand, the specific approach they are applying to CO2 transformation and also the way in which they are working with industrials to minimise CO2 output. 
Thanks as always to Janno Media for their help and support.

What is Decarb Connect?

Examining the strategies and deployments around decarbonisation in hard to abate sectors, we speak with CEOs, heads of corporate strategy, CTOs, Innovation/R&D, project directors & heads of carbon management from around the world. Hosted by Alex Cameron of the Decarbonization Leaders Network and Decarb Connect & produced by Janno Media.