Finding Demo Surf Fishing

The Spring Pompano Blast hosted by Perdido Blane starts today and I'll be fighting hard to catch a winner.  This episode is short and sweet with tips and what my plan is.  If you listen to it on Friday and plan to fish Saturday, you'll have what I'm doing in hand.  Well...except for my exact location!  If you're fishing in it, I look forward to competing with you for the win and definitely am excited to see you at the weigh in!  

Episode is sponsored by: DS Custom Tackle

Theme Song: Dirty Rock by Twisterium

Perido Blane
Justin Reed Fishing
And Fishing LInke
Green Get em Rigs
RC Fishing Surfer
The Sinker Guy
Half Hitch
Emerald Coast Bait and Tackle
Outcast Tackle Shop
Gulf Breeze Bait & Tackle
Beach Bum Lures
ES Lures
G-Eye Jigs
SORD Fishing Products 
Ninja Tackle

#findingdemosurffishing #podcast #learntofish #fishingpodcast #beachfishing #surffishing #learntofish #gulfofmexicofishing #springpompanoblast #PeridoBlane #JustinReedFishing #AndeFishingLine #GreenGetemRigs #RCFishingSurfer #TheSinkerGuy #Fishbites #HalfHitch #EmeraldCoastBaitandTackle #OutcastbaitandTackle #GulfBreezeBaitandTackle #BeachBumLures #ESLures #GEyeJigs #SORDFishingProducts #NinjaTackle

What is Finding Demo Surf Fishing?

Podcast by a Panhandle Surf Angler for all anglers of any level. We will talk weekly to guests that are anglers and also industry professionals. I want you to walk away from this podcast with some knowledge either refreshed or new for you to become a better angler. Though it will start in the Panhandle of Florida, it will be around the entire United States so we can all learn something about fishing in different regions.