Ask Rezzz

There are many certifications out there in the market that a freelancer can grab. It can help your business grow, both as social proof, but also in your lead generation and sales.

If you are specializing your business, sometimes you focus in on a particular piece of software that helps your clients’ business. Sometimes you focus on a specific coding language. Sometimes you focus on a platform.

If you are focusing on these things and know them in and out, having a certification in them gives you that badge of honor. It says that the company recognizes you as someone who can work in all the nooks and crannies of that thing.

If it’s something you can justify and get that return go for it. If it’s something that is more of an ego thing, then maybe check yourself on it.

Show Notes

There are many certifications out there in the market that a freelancer can grab. It can help your business grow, both as social proof, but also in your lead generation and sales. If you are specializing your business, sometimes you focus in on a particular piece of software that helps your clients’ business. Sometimes you focus on a specific coding language. Sometimes you focus on a platform. If you are focusing on these things and know them in and out, having a certification in them gives you that badge of honor. It says that the company recognizes you as someone who can work in all the nooks and crannies of that thing. If it’s something you can justify and get that return go for it. If it’s something that is more of an ego thing, then maybe check yourself on it.

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