The Scene

The Scene Trailer Bonus Episode 6 Season 2

Aberrations by Andrew Curtis pt.2

Aberrations by Andrew Curtis pt.2Aberrations by Andrew Curtis pt.2


How long will it be before Joan completely flips her lid?

Show Notes

Caught between obligations to her old and pressures from her new relationships, with just a side of ‘understaffed, 12 hour NHS hospital shift’ thrown in for good measure, how long will it be before Joan completely flips her lid?… and which poor souls will be standing in the line of fire when she does.

Joan was played by Helen Jessica Liggat
Sound production was by Janno Media

Our season jingle was written for us by McGrath. Emma, McGrath.
Her latest EP 'Settled In Motion' is out now, available to hear through her website

What is The Scene?

The Scene Podcast is a series of little plays brought to you by Janno Media and Get Over It Productions.