The Mastercast

This week we look at The History Chicks, a women's history podcast.

Show Notes

The History Chicks - No Spoilers! 

This is podcast is made up of the history lessons you’ve always wanted but never got. Every two weeks Beckett Graham and Susan Vollenweider pick a woman from the thousands of year of human history and tell her story. From a variety of eras and backgrounds, everything about each woman is mentioned including interpretations, connections, and bias. The episodes start with a 30 second summary of what you can expect, goes into the birth, life, and later death of the individual, and then wraps with the sources used. One thing I really love about the hosts is that even though the stories are told mainly from the perspectives of a particular woman, Graham and Vollenweider recognize the bias in that. A character maybe perceived and presented as a villain in one woman’s episode but be a hero in their own. This self-awareness plus in depth research is what makes this podcast so beloved among history fans. And I mean beloved. Starting in January of 2011, the show has 4.7 out of 5 stars and 6.9K Ratings. To keep such a high average over a long time is difficult for even the best pods. It’s also been recognized with a handful of awards such as a finalist in The People’s Choice Podcast Award, a finalist in The Academy of Podcasters Awards, and Mixcloud Online Radio Awards, Best Talk Show in the Education Category. They were finalist in The People’s Choice Podcast Award for seven years straight. I highly recommend checking out their detailed websites and packed show notes for things like photos, videos, and news for every episode. Their Facebook group, History Chicks Podcast Lounge, is also such a friendly and inviting community. So far there are 263 episodes! On average they are about an hour long and while they are typically put out every two weeks, the day does vary. My favorite episodes have been “Laura Ingalls Wilder” and “The Romanovs (Part 1).” Audio is rough in the first couple of episodes but like with every podcast gets better with time. I really love this podcast and I’m so happy there are so many episodes. You could relisten a couple of times before I think you could begin to remember it all. It’s comforting, relaxing, distracting, and interesting. What more could you ask for?

Similar Pods: The Gilded Gentleman, What'sHerName, and Stuff You Missed in History Class. 


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What is The Mastercast?

The Mastercast covers a non-spoiler binge-worthy review of the best podcasts every Monday in a short and sweet two-three minute summary on everything you could want to know from the number of hosts to on average how long you can expect each episode to be.