And She Spoke: Women. Money. Power.

What if the fear of burning out and overworking is actually causing the burnout? And what if working harder and smarter is the best way to avoid it? Today on the And She Spoke Podcast, we are diving deep into our thoughts on burnout. Listen in to hear all about the history of the term, its three stages, the dangers of wanting to be burnt out to prove your work ethic, and why it’s lost its meaning. 

Often, we mistake dissatisfaction with our lives with burnout, and in today’s episode, we explore the culturally contagious and problematic term before discussing what true burnout is. 

We even talk about the dangers of being fearful of burnout, why you should always be working hard, and much more! Finally, we challenge listeners to avoid using the word ‘burnout’ and to stop being fearful of overworking and even underworking. 

Key Points From This Episode:
  • An overview of the history of burnout. 
  • Three stages of burnout: exhaustion, depersonalization/cynicism, and sense of effectiveness. 
  • Why ‘burnout’ has lost its meaning and can be mistaken for dissatisfaction with your life. 
  • How being burnt out brings a sense of value to being hard-working and why that’s dangerous. 
  • The phrase “I’m so burnt out” as culturally contagious and why it’s hurting us. 
  • Why not working to the best of your ability out of fear of burning out is dangerous. 
  • When true burnout happens and how to avoid it.
  • A challenge: don’t use the word ‘burnout’ and don’t be scared of hard work in 2024. 
JOY: Hand Pan
Hustle: Diary of a ceo

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What is And She Spoke: Women. Money. Power.?

For so many modern, driven women, life is about being more than one thing. We’re multidimensional—and so are our conversations. We carry multiple identities; we can be both mother and artist; both attorney and entrepreneur. Both clinician and CEO. Both humble and proud. Life for women like us is about both. About…all of the above. It’s about the “and”...