Influencers Global Ministries

You’ve probably heard us say, “We go where we are invited.” This is a proclamation of our belief that God is orchestrating the steps and plans of this ministry.  Hear an amazing orchestration of getting us to Cuba, starting the Matt Bertrand, in the Carolinas, with help from Tom Seay, our International Director to Henry Gutierrez, who got on a plane and went to see these hungry people, starving for the spiritual food Henry was bringing.  It’s an amazing story, including how God gave Henry favor with a Customs agent in Cuba so his Journey materials were not confiscated.  We hope this inspires your as to your part in this global move of God called Influencers.

What is Influencers Global Ministries?

Our Mission:
To encourage and influence individuals toward an abiding relationship with Jesus Christ, through a journey to spiritual intimacy.

Our Vision:
To transform lives through a 9-month Journey, enabling them to be a positive influence to their world around them.