Through The Hard - Parenting Teens in Crisis

Podcast Info: 
Title: E. 6: What to expect: Your child
Release Date: Month, Day, 2021
Speaker: Angie Frey

In Episode Six we talk about the child at the center of it all,  your son or daughter, who has temporarily gone off track and is learning in real-time how to navigate the juvenile court system while feeling the full impact of a decision they made gone wrong.

Up until now, we’ve primarily talked about the feelings or experiences of others who have been impacted by the arrest of our child. We haven’t talked about the thoughts and emotions that may be running through the young person whose actually facing criminal charges. Today, we will discuss a few of the emotions the young people I interviewed identified with and the important role you play in their journey through this. 

Pathways website:  (Remember to subscribe!)
 The Teenaged Brain… Dr. Francis Jensin (book): Article: 

What is Through The Hard - Parenting Teens in Crisis?

Parenting teens can be hard. Parenting teens who are in crisis is even more complicated. You were never meant to walk through this alone.

Welcome to Through the Hard - Parenting Teens in Crisis, a twice-monthly podcast presented by Pathways to Hope Network.
Join us for honest conversations that drive out shame and show us how to navigate the emotions and uncertainty of parenting teens through crisis.