Christ Community Church - Olathe Campus - SUNDAY MESSAGES

Romans 5:5-11 // Nathan Miller 

At the core of each one of us, is this longing to be loved. And this unmistakable sense that maybe no one does. Or maybe ever will. To be loved we have to be known. But how could anyone who knows me, really knows me, actually love me? 
Or maybe it’s when you’re in a season in which it feels like everything's falling apart. You just can’t seem to catch a break. You’re exhausted, overwhelmed, afraid and alone. God, do you love me, or not?
And yet, according to the Apostle Paul. You might doubt a lot of things. But You never have to doubt God’s love.

Sermon Notes:
Prayer Requests:


What is Christ Community Church - Olathe Campus - SUNDAY MESSAGES?

This podcast features the Sunday morning messages from Christ Community Church's Olathe Campus.