The Tennessee Conservative

Listen to Brandon break it down! We've gone through all the stories we've covered this week and picked out the top stories for you to hear about in 1 podcast.

Show Notes

TennCon's BIG 7 - 2022 Third Edition - Top 7 News Stories For Conservatives in Tennessee!

* Bill To Stop TN Taxpayer Education Funding Of Illegal Immigrants In Subcommittee

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* More Than 50,000 Illegal Immigrants Released Into U.S. Don’t Show Up For Court Hearings
* Griffey Introduces Second Amendment Bill in Honor of Kyle Rittenhouse
* University of Memphis Cancels Plan To Bribe Professors To Teach “Woke Activism”
* U.S. Political Alignments Experienced Historic Shift In 2021
* Warner Introduces VOTE Act To Determine 2020 Election Accuracy
* Sanctity Of Human Life Sunday

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Watch the program here-

What is The Tennessee Conservative?

The Tennessee Conservative with Brandon Lewis covers the stories that mainstream media ignores. Join us for interviews you won't hear on the nightly news, and for the Big 7 Weekly Digest!