Queenstown Life

Dr Hinemoa Elder whakapapa's to Ngāti Kuri, Te Aupouri, Te Rarawa and Ngāpuhi nui tonu. 

She is Fellow of the Royal Australia and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists, a consultant child and adolescent psychiatrist since 2006 

We kōrero our parenting styles and how to be consistent for our tamariki, how we can stop being good girls and her new book! 

She has also has a PhD (2012) and MNZM for services to Māori and psychiatry and bestselling author of “Aroha” and “Wawata”.

You can also find her on Instagram

What is Queenstown Life ?

What the hell just happened 2020? Queenstown Life blogger Jane Guy interviews women around the world to ask them what's the future? What's happening now? Who the hell are we?