Hollywood Breaks

This week we welcome our guest Michelle Marks from Disney and Fox. We discuss the genesis of the Disney Channel and the rise of experiential theatrical marketing. Today’s media conglomerates need to recognize that influencers have the power to sway consumers’ purchasing power. 
“We need to begin a revolution that empowers the talent to bring the consumers into the experience while the content is being made versus after the fact.” Keith Rauch

Show Notes

This week we welcome our guest Michelle Marks from Disney and Fox. We discuss the genesis of the Disney Channel and the rise of experiential theatrical marketing. Today’s media conglomerates need to recognize that influencers have the power to sway consumers’ purchasing power. 

“We need to begin a revolution that empowers the talent to bring the consumers into the experience while the content is being made versus after the fact.” Keith Rauch

What is Hollywood Breaks?

Hollywood Breaks is an insiders’ view of what’s shaping the content-making world. Development partners Tim Thompson and Keith Rauch host this weekly show discussing current events with an eye towards seizing opportunity in the changing landscape.