We Are Here - SouthCoast.fm - South Coast MA Entrepreneurs & Business

What a difference 3 years and a global pandemic makes.

Graduating from eForall some 4 years ago with a new product idea that few individuals would find success in, let alone on the South Coast, Kevin Rose is rapidly cementing a legacy.

Running a business wasn't foreign to him. What would be the challenge? Running a trucking company when the world shut down while watching the success of his hemp infused product line fly off the shelves.

Kevin joins us for his second time on the podcast to share his transformation plus how that lead to a recent deal with JC Penny.

If you enjoy today's episode please say thanks to Kevin, check out his store, and share this podcast on social media.

Show Notes

What a difference 3 years and a global pandemic makes.

Graduating from eForall some 4 years ago with a new product idea that few individuals would find success in, let alone on the South Coast, Kevin Rose is rapidly cementing a legacy.

Running a business wasn't foreign to him. What would be the challenge? Running a trucking company when the world shut down while watching the success of his hemp infused product line fly off the shelves.

Kevin joins us for his second time on the podcast to share his transformation plus how that lead to a recent deal with JC Penny.

If you enjoy today's episode please say thanks to Kevin, check out his store, and share this podcast on social media.

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What is We Are Here - SouthCoast.fm - South Coast MA Entrepreneurs & Business?

The We Are Here podcast celebrating entrepreneurs living and working in the South Coast MA area. Host Matt Medeiros interviews some of our area's leading business owners and community builders to learn how they've built their business. From New Bedford to Fall River, listen to the podcast to learn key business-building advice from entrepreneurs in our area.

Tune in every season and stay connected at https://southcoast.fm/subscribe