Quick N' Nerdy

Join Snoop Dogg and Kevin Hart (aka Cody and Dan) as they follow up on the altered traits of consistent mindfulness by talking about lived experiences with long time mindfulness expert Lotus McClatchie.  In this episode, Snoop and Kevin hear first hand from Lotus about strategies for developing mindfulness and the observable change that occurs.  This episode provides details for the effects described in part one of the altered traits QN2 so go back and check out that episode if you haven't heard it already.  Most importantly, many thanks to Lotus for joining/tolerating us and sharing with us her wisdom on the topic of mindfulness.

What is Quick N' Nerdy?

This show is intended to provide a short and quirky look into psychological and other wellness topics. Bonus points are awarded to those who can endure the antics of Bert and Ernie (aka Dan and Cody). If you stick with the show long enough you just may come across some nuggets of knowledge. Try to find joy in sifting through the muck to find the meaning.