The Divine Life of Sai Baba

"Indirabai fulfills her vow to Baba" is the 30th Leela in the series. In this clip, Vinny Ma narrates the experience of Indirabai who suffered from an ear ache so much that he prayed to Baba for relief and cure. She was blessed to see Him in her dream and when he awoke, a friend had brought some medicine to her, which cured her of the ache. At another time, she was bitten by a poisonous insect and the pain was so unbearable that her thoughts turned to Baba and she vowed to send 2.5 rupees to Baba's Sansthan as soon as she got some relief. Baba's Leela so unfolded that she was relieved of her pain. She did not forget her vow and sent the money to Baba's Sansthan, and every year thereafter. Vinny Ma also discusses the significance of the amount of two and a half rupees.

In 1930, once Indirabai had severe ear ache. It was so intense that she felt like throwing up. At that time, she cried before Baba’s picture saying, “Baba, I have no one but you. Please give me some relief from this pain. I can’t bear it.” Then she lay down and fell asleep. She had a vivid dream wherein she was in some strange place beneath a tent. It was very crowded and she was lost. At that moment, an old man with a white cloth tied around his head, wearing a short white coat on top of a white Dhotar appeared before her. He held her hand and gently led her out of the crowd. Then he reached the Dwarka Mai and was standing in front of the room where the Rath is kept. Suddenly, she was overcome by sleep, so she slept in the room and the old man slept behind her. Then she got up and walked a short distance away and saw a Muslim lady sitting on a mattress. There were two mattresses next to her.

Indirabai enquired if she could sleep on it. The lady replied, “You can sleep on it with pleasure. It is for pilgrims like you.” Then she said, “Why are you so miserly? Go and buy 4 annas worth of fruit of the neem tree and everything will be alright, and you will recover from your illness.” Indirabai woke up startled. At that very moment, there was a knock on the door. A friend had come with some medicines for her. She took the medicine and was instantly relieved of her ear ache. Also, it never bothered her again. She realised that if you pray to Baba from the bottom of your heart, He relieves you of your troubles, and gives you immense peace and happiness.

About a year later, in 1931, Indirabai was bitten on her knees by some poisonous insect. The pain was intense and unbearable. She felt as if she was being stabbed by a huge sharp knife. She looked to see what had happened to her knees and noticed two bite marks on her left knee, but there was no such mark on her right knee. She felt she should leave Pendari and get some treatment to relieve the pain.

The pain was so bad that she was unable to get out of bed. She thought that if she told someone about it, they wouldn’t believe her, and she had no way of getting herself treated. Her thoughts turned to Baba, her only refuge. At once, she vowed to send Rs.2.50 to Baba’s Sansthan as soon as she got some relief.

Two days later, an old Brahmin from a neighbouring village called Kinjawade suddenly came to her house. Desperately, she related what had happened to her. Without wasting a single moment, he went into the forest and brought some medicinal plants. He ground them into a paste and applied it on both her knees. He then said, “What do I know about these medicinal plants? The Almighty deity of Kinjawade, Lord Shiva, will definitely make you alright.” After two days, she felt fine and was able to do her chores without any pain.

Immediately, she sent Rs.2.50 to Shirdi, as per her vow. She was pain free even a year later, so she decided to keep her vow and follow it every year thereafter. In this Leela, the meaning of Rs.2.50 could be that without the Absolute, we are half. So, when we offer ourselves with Shraddha and Saburi, by Baba’s grace, we will be relieved of the pain caused by the sting of worldly affairs.

This Leela was taken from Shri Sai Leela magazine, vol. 12, nos.1& 2, 1935.

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What is The Divine Life of Sai Baba?

A special podcast series by Dr. Vinny Chitluri which is on Baba's leelas and life history.