Voices of Hope

I woke up from a lifelong pattern I wasn’t even aware of…avoiding, numbing and denying my emotions, when after 16 years of marriage my husband disclosed his same sex attraction, infidelity and addiction struggles. I began my personal journey of personal growth work and recovery that very day. Since then, my personal journey has taken me on a roller coaster of learning and growing. My passion has become to share with others the tools I found and created to live life authentically and on purpose. I absolutely love my job and my clients too! I have created a platform I teach from that simply starts with, when you heal in the four areas of PEMS (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual), you build strength and stability to become whole again.

I co-created Daughters of Light; a division of The Toolbox, LLC to help women find healing, connection and strength. Daughters of Light host workshops, seminars and retreats designed to help women heal and become more in touch with emotions and patterns that keep them stuck experiencing what they don’t want. I have attended, staffed and led many experiential weekends; have co-lead support groups, coaching groups, and spoken and organized many conferences.

My coaching practice includes courses I teach online, group coaching classes like SSA 101 for Spouses, Emotional Literacy, and Braving Betrayal. I also do one on one sessions with clients.

I have served as Chairman of the Board for North Star International and am currently on the Board for Discover Identity, a nonprofit focused on helping people find their true identities instead of the labels others try to put on us.

I come to this work armed with perspective and experience. I struggled as a young mom to keep my head above water. I was not aware of my patterns or that I could set boundaries. I didn't see the destructive pattern of denying myself at the expense of my mental balance in order to make everyone else happy, or manage their emotions (as I falsely thought I was capable of doing!). My message is I know recovery is possible because I have been there too.

My husband Curtis and I celebrated 27 years of marriage last summer and we have 4 beautiful children. I earned a BA in fashion design from BYU and have used my talents to design and make custom wedding gowns for nearly 30 years coaching brides along the way. Now I find my true passion in helping others through hardships I can relate to, so that no one has to feel as alone as I did.

I am an Intuitive Life Coach and Speaker and my passion is helping women like you and me heal after betrayal and trauma.

Show Notes

Sallie & Danielle talk with Tera Brown, and get an update since she and her husband Curtis shared his story of Same-Sex Attraction in 2014, as part of the Voices of Hope project. Tera talks about knowing that something was off in the home after having been married for 16 years, but how she couldn’t put her finger on it. After Curtis chose to open up about his experience with her, Tera reached out for support and found resources that helped her better understand her husband. She goes on to share the conversation they had when they talked about choosing to continue being in a marriage together or not, and what that meant for her. She also details why she chose to stay and how their marriage is at its strongest today because of the growth they’ve had through their personal work.

Tera’s journey of understanding has since led to her helping others to the point of becoming a life coach. She also discusses beginning to work with other women in similar situations and how that’s led her to fostering retreats for women, who can often get lost in their own journeys as they help others. They all discuss some of the hardships that all women experience and how many need help, which is something she’s brought into her own congregation at church. Tera also shares what continues to give her hope and how she looks to the future. 

Tera and Curtis’ Voices of Hope video

La Loba: The Woman Who Knows

What is Voices of Hope?

The personal stories shared on this podcast serve as an extension of the book and video project, Voices of Hope. It is a living repository of faithful members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints sharing stories of how they seek to reconcile their sexual orientation or gender dysphoria, or of those they love, with their faith. You’ll hear how they have chosen to embrace the restored gospel, the inherent challenges they face, and how they’ve found peace and hope in their decisions.

As you listen to these candid and touching stories, you may find elements of their journeys that echo your own. Wherever you fall in this spectrum of experience or in your journey on the path of discipleship, you’ll find a safe place here.

Voices of Hope is a project of North Star International. North Star is a faith-affirming resource for Latter-day Saints addressing sexual orientation and gender identity, and who desire to live in harmony with the teachings of Jesus Christ and the doctrines and values of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.