The Arnies

Our monthly gaming show has returned! On today's show, Matt and Austin break down a couple of gaming headlines that made news in March 2021. Then it's time to discuss some of their favorite video game characters! Listen in to find out who made the list!

Show Notes

Did we miss any of your favorite characters? Let us know on Instagram! @thearnies

News Discussed

  1. Outrider free demo
  2. Microsoft acquiring Bethesda Studios
  3. The Square Enix conference
  4. Chad Stahelski will be directing a Ghost of Tsushima movie

Characters Discussed

  1. Link: The Zelda Franchise
  2. Aloy: Horizon Zero Dawn
  3. Ezio Auditore: Assassins Creed 2, Brotherhood, and Revelations
  4. Edward Kenway: Assassins Creed Black Flag
  5. Tifa: Final Fantasy 7 Remake
  6. Bj Blazkowicz: The Wolfenstein Franchise


What is The Arnies?

A podcast by three best friends with nothing better to do! We discuss Movies, TV, Fandom, and everything in between. This a show for anyone. We’re just three friends who decided to turn on a mic for our weekly conversations. We plan to have some laughs, maybe some cries. But mostly just a good time. We hope you’ll listen in!