When your company gets to a certain size, you start to feel like you can't grow without hiring or promoting more managers. But great managers are hard to find! And finding one who is also an expert in their field is even harder; it's like trying to find a unicorn.
So we've decided to solve this problem in a completely different way. Your true value-add as a business owner is typically in the big picture planning that no one else in your company can do. But, you have to free up time and mental capacity in order to do this. To give us more time and space to do the big-picture work, we've opted to develop leaders, not just more managers.
Join us as we talk about how to develop effective leaders in your company, so you can be freed up to do the most valuable and important work that only you can do.
"A leader is someone who embraces the awesome responsibility to see those around them rise." - Simon Sinek