Pragmatic Psychology

Like you’ve heard many times, your point-of-view creates your reality. So, if you tell your body everyday it is horrible, guess what you’re creating?

When you put negative point-of-views and judgements against your body, you’re giving your body orders to create those things. Today, Susanna discusses how to stop being so hard on our bodies and trying to change it because of negative influences.

Show Notes

Like you’ve heard many times, your point-of-view creates your reality. So, if you tell your body everyday it is horrible, guess what you’re creating?

When you put negative point-of-views and judgements against your body, you’re giving your body orders to create those things. Today, Susanna discusses how to stop being so hard on our bodies and trying to change it because of negative influences. 

On today’s podcast:
  • Are you willing to not be right in your limitations for your body?
  • Will you let the space and energy your body is inviting in?
  • What if you allowed your body to show you the world of possibilities?
  • What is true for me? What is true for my body?
  • How often are you aware of someone else’s body thinking it is yours?
  • How does your body feel?

What is Pragmatic Psychology?

How much of your life have you tried to be like other people, tried to fit in? Do you judge yourself when you’re a little too different?

What if your difference is exactly what our world requires?

Welcome to a new paradigm on you being everything that you are! Happiness isn’t about being normal; it’s about being you.

With this podcast we invite you to use your crazy as a resource to create your own phenomenal life. Discover what capacities are hiding and waiting for you to be discovered. What if everything you call wrongness is a strongness!
Maybe you find out what possibilities are behind the things you call incapacities, and see if things like depression, anxiety, ADHD, OCD, and autism might just be yet-to-be-discovered superpowers. Tap into your unique brilliance and create the life you want and live life fully with happiness and joy.

Your host, Susanna Mittermaier, psychologist, founder of Pragmatic Psychology, best selling author, international keynote speaker and happy person, is looking forward to inspiring you!

Welcome to Pragmatic Psychology!

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