Inside the Military Mind

On this episode of Inside the Military Mind, we feature Status Code 4, a local nonprofit that provides counseling and training for the mental health and wellness needs of First Responders, and highlight the Home Front Military Network Resource of the Week, Mount Carmel Veteran Service Center

Show Notes

Are you looking for more ways to learn about military and veteran mental health and wellness? Check out Duane's books by going to

What is Inside the Military Mind?

Presented by the Family Care Center, an comprehensive outpatient behavioral health clinic specializing in meeting the needs of service members, veterans and their families in the Pikes Peak Region, Inside the Military Mind is Tailored to meet the mental health and wellness needs of those who served and those who care for them. Skip the stigma and tune in to learn more about mental health and wellness topics as well as resources for the military affiliated population in the Pikes Peak Region.