Moonshots Podcast: Superstar mindsets and success habits

Hello members and subscribers! It’s time for our seventh Moonshots Master episode, and we are tackling a huge topic: ENTREPRENEURSHIP.

To get us started we hear from some of the most well-known and highly regarded entrepreneurs and authors out there. Darren Hardy kicks us off with a breakdown of what it means to be an ‘Exception’ and how it takes guts to succeed. We then hear Steve Jobs’ entrepreneur story and how he battled against settling for less. Continuing our journey into inspiration Warren Buffet motivates us by stating how he ‘tap dances to work’.

Now we are inspired. It's time to learn the hard truths about being an entrepreneur, and who better to share wisdom than Elon Musk who had to contend with criticism from his heroes. Helping us understand the value of starting on day one with a single-minded framework we hear from Michael E Gerber who prepares us for scale with the story of Ray Kroc and McDonald’s. Helping us analyse and understand why some businesses fail and others don’t, we learn from Bill T. Gross and his study into the reason for success being timing and teams.

To help us grab the opportunities and learn from the documented mistakes made by others, we hear from three entrepreneurial authors. First up we hear from Moonshots royalty Simon Sinek who says to start with WHY to inspire action. Next, we hear from Tim Ferriss who gives us 5 tips for starting a kick-ass business. Closing out the show we have some very practical tips from Eric Ries on how to utilize a lean methodology to define - and release - a Minimum Viable Product.

Show Notes

Hello members and subscribers! It’s time for our seventh Moonshots Master episode, and we are tackling a huge topic: ENTREPRENEURSHIP.

To get us started we hear from some of the most well-known and highly regarded entrepreneurs and authors out there. Darren Hardy kicks us off with a breakdown of what it means to be an ‘Exception’ and how it takes guts to succeed. We then hear Steve Jobs’ entrepreneur story and how he battled against settling for less. Continuing our journey into inspiration Warren Buffet motivates us by stating how he ‘tap dances to work’.

Now we are inspired. It's time to learn the hard truths about being an entrepreneur, and who better to share wisdom than Elon Musk who had to contend with criticism from his heroes. Helping us understand the value of starting on day one with a single-minded framework we hear from Michael E Gerber who prepares us for scale with the story of Ray Kroc and McDonald’s. Helping us analyze and understand why some businesses fail and others don’t, we learn from Bill T. Gross and his study into the reason for success being timing and teams.

To help us grab the opportunities and learn from the documented mistakes made by others, we hear from three entrepreneurial authors. First up we hear from Moonshots royalty Simon Sinek who says to start with WHY to inspire action. Next, we hear from Tim Ferriss who gives us 5 tips for starting a kick-ass business. Closing out the show we have some very practical tips from Eric Ries on how to utilize a lean methodology to define - and release - a Minimum Viable Product.
Thanks to our monthly supporters
  • Jasper Verkaart
  • Ron
  • Chris Turner
  • Margy
  • Diana Bastianelli
  • Andy Pilara
  • ola
  • Fred Fox
  • Austin Hammatt
  • Zachary Phillips
  • Antonio Candia
  • Mike Leigh Cooper
  • Daniela Wedemeier
  • Corey LaMonica
  • Smitty
  • Laura KE
  • Denise findlay
  • Krzysztof
  • Diana Bastianelli
  • Roar Nikolay Ytre-Eide
  • Stef
  • Roger von Holdt
  • Jette Haswell
  • Marco Silva
  • venkata reddy
  • Dirk Breitsameter
  • Ingram Casey
  • Nicoara Talpes
  • rahul grover
  • Evert van de Plassche
  • Ravi Govender
  • Craig Lindsay
  • Steve Woollard
  • Lasse Brurok
  • Deborah Spahr
  • Barbara
  • Samoela
  • Christian
  • Jo Hatchard
  • Kalman Cseh
  • Berg De Bleecker
  • Paul Acquaah
  • MrBonjour
  • Sid
  • Liza Goetz
  • Konnor Ah kuoi
  • Marjan Modara
  • Dietmar Baur
  • Ken Ennis
  • Bob Nolley
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What is Moonshots Podcast: Superstar mindsets and success habits ?

The Moonshots Podcast goes behind the scenes of the world's greatest superstars, thinkers and entrepreneurs to discover the secrets to their success. We deconstruct their success from mindset to daily habits so that we can apply it to our lives. Join us as we 'learn out loud' from Elon Musk, Brene Brown to emerging talents like David Goggins.