Everyday Environment Podcast

Join us this week as we chat with Dr. Joy O'Keefe about bats of Illinois and what we can do to support them. Bats are essential to a healthy ecosystem, as they eat insects that are pests to trees, crops, and us. Most bats use trees as their daytime roosts during spring, summer, and fall. If you have good places for bats to hunt for food, how do you attract them to roost on your property? Learn what makes good natural and artificial roost habitat for bats and other ways to support your local bat population.

What is Everyday Environment Podcast?

Everyday Environment delves into the intricate web of connections that bind us to the natural world. From water, air, energy, plants, and animals to the complex interactions within these elements, we aim to unravel the ties that link us to our environment. Through a variety of educational formats, including podcasts, blogs, and videos, we strive to foster a deeper understanding of these connections among the residents of Illinois. Explore more at go.illinois.edu/everydayenvironment.

Hosted by: Abigail Garofalo, Amy Lefringhouse, and Erin Garrett