How do you calculate PMI in Norfolk when buying a property with less than 20% down payment?
How to Calculate PMI
If you're planning to buy a property and put less than 20% down, you're likely to be required to pay Private Mortgage Insurance. Lenders prefer that you put at least 20% down, but if you insist on putting less than 20% down, they may still make the loan. However, they will usually do so at a slightly higher mortgage interest rate for taking on more risk and require that you pay a third party to insure them in case you default. This insurance you pay to the third party is called Private Mortgage Insurance.
But how much is it?
The easiest way to find out is to call your lender and have them calculate it for you.
But, if you insist on calculating it yourself—or you prefer to know some of the factors involved in how to lower the cost of private mortgage insurance for yourself—in this mini-class, James will walk you through how to do the calculation yourself.
In this class, James discusses:
Learn all about investing in real estate in Norfolk, Virginia with a combination of real estate financial planning and modeling with numbers specific to Norfolk plus syndicated, more generalized recordings of live and pre-recorded real estate investing classes (not all specific to Norfolk).