サッカーと英語 // Football & English

早生まれはプロサッカー選手になりにくいが、日本代表選手としては長生きする?!サッカー界では、4,5,6月生まれの選手は早生まれの選手よりJリーガーになる可能性が2倍高いという研究がされています。// Have you heard of the relative age effect? Research shows that the earlier a person is born in a school year, the more likely they are to succeed in football.

Show Notes



One of the biggest disparities in football or any junior sport is the relative age effect - the advantage of being born earlier in the school year, and therefore being more physically mature.

A seven-year-old born early in the school year is likely to be bigger, faster and stronger than one born towards the end of the school year.

In 2013, a study of a junior league in England with 8,000 players found that the oldest players were playing in the top division, whilst the youngest players were playing in the lowest division. It was also found that 45% of players in top-level academies have players born between September and November.

What is サッカーと英語 // Football & English?

日本語と英語でサッカーの世界情報についての話を聴いて、英語が学べるポッドキャスト。 // A weekly podcast in Japanese & English, discussing the world of football.