Happy Productive with Jennifer Dawn: Grow Your Business Without Giving Up Your Life

If you find yourself in situations that seem to have no resolution, this is the podcast for you. Susanna is the founder of the new approach called Pragmatic Psychology. It focuses on solutions rather than problems. People stuck in the heaviness of their thoughts can't even hear and accept praise. But that can change. It's a point of view, not a reality.

Challenge your reality by knowing that your truth will always feel light.

✨ Susanna is the founder of a revolutionary new approach called Pragmatic Psychology: dramatic is where you focus on the problem and look for a solution, but pragmatic means doing what works. 01:42
❗ Most people want to be right rather than free and they underestimate the power we have when we take on a point of view: how to see there are other possibilities. 08:07
🌎 The world feeds us one drama after the other: if we foster ourselves as leaders and inspire others to be leaders, we will have a different world very soon. 15:54
🤔 If you want to be truly productive, check if the information you're receiving is valuable for you: what's congruent, what's true, and what makes us feel lighter when we feel down. 19:07
⏰ Whenever you listen to someone, and it creates a sense of contraction and heaviness, create an alarm to warn you: your truth will always feel lighter. 22:53

  Connect with Susanna: www.susannamittermaier.com/en
  Pragmatic Psychology: www.pragmaticpractitioner.com
  Join our Academy: www.jenniferdawnacademy.com
  Connect with Jennifer: www.jenniferdawncoaching.com
  Retreats: www.jenniferdawncoaching.com/our-retreats

Creators & Guests

Jennifer Dawn

What is Happy Productive with Jennifer Dawn: Grow Your Business Without Giving Up Your Life?

The Happy Productive Podcast is for business owners looking to scale to 7-figures without sacrificing their personal life. It's your go-to resource to develop leadership skills, achieve business goals, practice healthy habits, master your emotions, and use time wisely. You CAN have the business of your dreams and Jennifer will show you how. Jennifer Dawn is a Business Coach who has grown three 7-figures companies and helped others do the same. She's also the founder of Best Planner Ever and author of The Joy Guide: Finding Your Joy In A World of Crap. Learn more at JenniferDawnCoaching.com