The Black Line Between Sales & Marketing

Every year there's something hot that comes out that everyone has to jump on. If you don't jump on it, you end up feeling left behind. That's right we're talking about FOMO. In the first episode of 2020 Mike and Doug dive into FOMO nominations for this year.

Show Notes

Every year there's something hot that comes out that everyone has to jump on. If you don't jump on it, you end up feeling left behind. That's right we're talking about FOMO. In the first episode of 2020 Mike and Doug dive into FOMO nominations for this year.

What is The Black Line Between Sales & Marketing?

Think of this podcast as the sports radio for demand generation. In every episode you can expect to be taken on a journey by Imagine's CEO, Doug Davidoff and Seventh Sense's Founder, Mike Donelly as they discuss, disagree, and form their opinions and ideas on specific sales, marketing, and business topics.