The Human Greenhouse

We need to grow up and mature because our world is facing a multicrisis! It’s a full-on rite of passage for humanity and a shift in purpose from self-centeredness to service to the planet.

Tom is an experienced programme designer, facilitator and consultant. His focus is on frameworks for regenerative practices where he is living the question “How can organisations shift to support the flourishing of life?” The project Cards for Life is a response to this question.

The conversation touches upon the topics of healing, intergenerational learning, and the need for meaningful conversations as we garden for a life based on living systems principles.

In this episode, you will
  • Explore how the current planetary health crisis can be seen as a rite of passage for humanity.
  • Appreciate how creating space for self-directed learning and contributing to the learning of the world can be powerful ways to grow and heal for us all.
  • Get a sneak peek to the Cards for Life - and learn how applying living systems principles can inspire us to action and help us navigate complex dynamics.

What is The Human Greenhouse?

What if you’re not alone and definitely not crazy for longing for a healthier world? What if your tribe is out there also searching for ways to navigate this tumultuous time in history? This podcast is for people looking for wisdom and courage to take a stand and plant seeds of change – with purpose and joy.

Come join us as we explore the rich web of life and our being – who we are and what we wish to become. We humans are gardeners; creators and guardians of life, of connections, of stories, and of the change we wish to see in the world. Step inside the Human Greenhouse to get inspired and nourished, so you can shine your unique light on this precious Earth – we need you!

The Human Greenhouse podcast is hosted by Tatjana Harttung and graced by wonderful humans with something on their mind and in their hearts to share.