You Are A Lawyer: Take Risks and Change Careers in Law

In this episode, Lori Mihalich-Levin, a Georgetown Law School graduate, explains why she wants to assist parents with transitioning back to work.

Show Notes

Lori Mihalich-Levin believes that parenthood can make a person a better employee.  Parenting entails time management, project management, multitasking, prioritizing and budgeting, to name a few things.  When Lori was on maternity leave from her role as a medical reimbursement attorney, Lori created Mindful Return out of sheer desperation. 

After being unable to find resources to assist a parent into being a new parent and this change in their identity, Lori created the program to assist the new parent with this transition.  Employers are able to offer the program to their employees as a benefit when they are on parental leave. 

Mindful Return is an online program that assists people in transitioning back into the workforce after parental leave.  Each program is a cohort of parents with different employers.  Mindful Return is available for those who identify as moms, dads, are parenting special needs children, adoptive parents, and surrogate parents. 

There is also a manager track of Mindful Return which prepares a manager for the biggest differences when a team member is on leave.  You may register for Mindful Return as an individual, or connect your Human Resources department with Mindful Return.  Visit for additional details. 

Lori Mihalich-Levin is licensed in New York.  Connect with Lori on Twitter @mindfulreturn and Instagram @mindfulreturn.

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You Are A Lawyer is an interview podcast that promotes lawyers with fearless career changes, ambitious side hustles, and extraordinary lives.

On this top-rated podcast, Kyla holds space for lawyers to be transparent and honest about their law school experiences, transitions out of the law, or the leaps they took to become a filmmaker, yogi, beauty brand founder, entrepreneur, etc.

Ranked at 42 of the Top 90 Legal Podcasts, this podcast will motivate you to start that side hustle, challenge you to find a nontraditional career, and push you to embrace the hobby you’ve been hiding.

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