The Just A Mom Podcast

This inspiring episode features Vicki Love, co-vice president, and Jennifer Savner Levinson, treasurer, of The Good Faith Network ( The Good Faith Network is an interfaith justice group of over 20 different congregations in Johnson County, Kansas that has identified three pressing problems in our community: mental health, homelessness and affordable housing. They conduct research to discover solutions to those problems and speak with one voice to local leaders to press for the adoption of those solutions. 

Listen as these remarkable leaders talk about the work they are doing to make systematic changes in regards to mental health in our local community.  For those who live outside of Johnson County, Kansas, you will want to listen as well—you may be inspired to start something similar in your community.

For those in Johnson County, all are invited to the Good Faith Network’s Nehemiah Assembly on May 2, 2023 at 6 pm at the United Methodist Church of the Resurrection. 

Creators & Guests

Susie Gurley
Susie shares the real stories of moms and dads who have walked the lonely, scary road of parenting a child with mental illness. You're not alone. There is hope.

What is The Just A Mom Podcast?

My name is Susie.  I have three children, the youngest of whom struggles with depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation. I never thought this could happen to me, and I missed the signs.  Being a parent is really hard, and I'm here to help! I'm talking to parents and experts to help you with the issues your kids may face.  I want you to know that you are not alone and there is hope.