The Veterans Disability Nexus

Garen, an accredited claims agent, explains the benefits of the Appeals Modernization Act of 2019, particularly regarding supplemental claims, which can contest decisions made years ago. He emphasizes the necessity of submitting new and relevant evidence to support these claims. Garen and Leah also discuss the weight given to different types of evidence, like lay statements, and the importance of well-grounded claims with a nexus to service. They highlight the significance of gathering substantial evidence to tip the balance in the veteran's favour under the Reasonable Doubt Doctrine. Leah and Garen also acknowledge that while veterans can represent themselves in this process, having professional guidance can be immensely beneficial in navigating the complexities of VA claims and appeals. To contact Garen reach out to: 

What is The Veterans Disability Nexus?

Welcome to The Veterans Disability Nexus, where we provide unique insights and expertise on medical evidence related to VA-rated disabilities. Leah Bucholz, a US Army Veteran, Physician Assistant, & former Compensation & Pension Examiner shares her knowledge related to Independent Medical Opinions often referred to as “Nexus Letters” in support of your pursuit of VA Disability every Tuesday & Wednesday at 7AM Central.

Take control of your medical evidence related to your benefits and visit for more information and support.