The Next Reel Film Podcast

Hey, movie lovers! We're taking a leap back to the 70s with this next series—Alan J. Pakula's paranoia trilogy. First up, 1971's "Klute," a dark and gritty character study/thriller about a small town detective trying to get information from a call girl about his missing friend. Join us this week as we talk about this fantastic film! We chat about the nature of 70s films and why they feel so dark and gritty. We talk about the amazing and dark cinematography of Gordon Willis. We discuss the nature of paranoia in the 70s and how this film plays into it, whether through the script, the acting, the directing, or the cinematography. And we talk about the performances, particularly Jane Fonda's Oscar-winning turn as Bree Daniels. She stands out in this film so much that we didn't give enough kudos to the brilliantly underplayed performance by Donald Sutherland in the title role. It's a great film that stands out as a movie we like (and tying it into previous podcasts, it's one of David Fincher's faves as well). So check out the movie and listen in!

Show Notes

Hey, movie lovers! We're taking a leap back to the 70s with this next series—Alan J. Pakula's paranoia trilogy. First up, 1971's "Klute," a dark and gritty character study/thriller about a small town detective trying to get information from a call girl about his missing friend. Join us this week as we talk about this fantastic film! We chat about the nature of 70s films and why they feel so dark and gritty. We talk about the amazing and dark cinematography of Gordon Willis. We discuss the nature of paranoia in the 70s and how this film plays into it, whether through the script, the acting, the directing, or the cinematography. And we talk about the performances, particularly Jane Fonda's Oscar-winning turn as Bree Daniels. She stands out in this film so much that we didn't give enough kudos to the brilliantly underplayed performance by Donald Sutherland in the title role. It's a great film that stands out as a movie we like (and tying it into previous podcasts, it's one of David Fincher's faves as well). So check out the movie and listen in!

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What is The Next Reel Film Podcast?

The Next Reel team has been dedicated to reviews, news, and commentary on world film for a decade. This podcast is The Next Reel master feed including all the episodes of The Next Reel, Trailer Rewind, The Film Board, The Speakeasy, and the other shorts, interviews, and specials we've produced over the years.