Doctor Who: The Ood Cast

A podcast packed with tales of the Old West, talking hammers and a double macchiato and cactus cake meal deal.

Show Notes

"I did like the cyborg - his face looked like pork scratchings stapled to a ball bearing…"

When I was a child, my favourite story was about a podcast that went on forever. A podcast packed with tales of the Old West, talking hammers and a double macchiato and cactus cake meal deal.

A podcast that came from the internet.

By the time this episode arrived, the listeners of the Ood Cast were used to the strange and the impossible. But were they ready for guest stars from Radio Free Skaro, The Two Minute Timelord, The Doctor Who Podcast, Radio Rassilon, The Doctor Who Book Club and The Minute Doctor Who Podcast?

Where they came from didn't matter, as a man once said "You can find them all at".

Do I believe the story? I don't know. But next time you're on the internet, ask someone why they don't have a marshal or a sheriff or a policeman there?
"Because that would be almost impossible to enforce in a global digital community" they'll say.
And then they'll smile like they got a secret.
Like they got their own special podcast to listen to. Their very own podcast that came … from the internet.

What is Doctor Who: The Ood Cast?

The Ood Cast is not your average Doctor Who podcast.

We aim to express the joy, the chaos and the glory of our favourite show through laughter, rhyme and song.