The Old School

Once more, the hosts are proud to present the estimable Dr. Alex Fingers to the podcast. This time, Dr. Fingers speaks on the value of sports and extracurricular activities to the student in their academic pursuits. From personal experience, Dr. Fingers speaks on the lessons learned from winning, losing and the tireless preparation for the moment.

If you would enjoy a detailed look at the forces at work within public education, the good, the bad and the possible solutions, insofar as we know the solutions, check out our book, The Center Cannot Hold: A Critical Look at Contemporary Education. Available through Ahart Education and for sale exclusively through Amazon.

What is The Old School?

Dr. Steven Bourgeois and Mr. Ross Miller lead an informal discussion between a current and a former teacher on topics that challenge "best practices" in contemporary education. In keeping with Neil Postman (1979), we support the conserving function of education: “Its aim at all times is to make visible the prevailing biases of a culture and then, by employing whatever philosophies of education are available, to oppose them.”