Cloud Foundry Weekly

Maya Rosecrance will join the show to dive deep into new BOSH and VMware Tanzu Operations Manager (Ops Man) features. Don't miss this episode to see how these new features can make a platform engineer's life easier 😎

Maya Rosecrance Bio:
Maya Rosecrance has been involved with Cloud Foundry since 2016. She started by contributing to the Loggregator project, then transitioned to the metrics team. In 2017, she joined the Redis tile team in London, followed by a role on the Garden team. Since 2019, Maya has been part of the BOSH team, and in 2021, she became the engineering manager for the BOSH team.

Compiling Releases without a Director:
OpsManager 3.0 Release Notes:

Creators & Guests

Nick Kuhn
Tweets: @CloudFoundry | @cf_weekly co-host | #Homelab | #vExpert 23-24 | Tech Marketing @VMwareTanzu | Prev @kroger_tech | Tweets are my own

What is Cloud Foundry Weekly?

Cloud Foundry Weekly deep dives into various aspects of the Cloud Foundry ecosystem. Join Nick and Nicky as they interview special guests from the community and deep dive into special features within the VMware Tanzu and Cloud Foundry ecosystem.