Providence College Podcast

In this episode, Brian Kozak explains why and how he became such an active member of the Friar Family. We discuss how he founded the club soccer team, his various roles within the Providence College School of Business, and why he packs his schedule so tight.

Show Notes

In this episode, Brian Kozak explains why and how he became such an active member of the Friar Family. We discuss how he founded the club soccer team, his various roles within the Providence College School of Business, and why he packs his schedule so tight.

What is Providence College Podcast?

The Providence College Podcast features interviews with interesting members of the Friar Family. These in-depth conversations with PC students, Dominicans, faculty, staff, and alumni provide a rich look into the lives of noteworthy Friars. Occasionally we will also bring you on-campus lectures and presentations. Go Friars!