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Marieke Hardy Is Going To Die
Episode 12
Season 1
La Petite Mort: Malia Dewse Is Going To Die
Why do so many of us resist writing a will until it's too late?
Holistic end-of-life planning is more than formal documents (will and advanced care plan). It reflects our values, interests and the breadth of our lives: emotional housekeeping, end-of-life, our legacy and more. It needs doing before it’s really needed.
Why do so many of us resist writing a will until it's too late?
Holistic end-of-life planning is more than formal documents (will and advanced care plan). It reflects our values, interests and the breadth of our lives: emotional housekeeping, end-of-life, our legacy and more. It needs doing before it’s really needed.
A long-held interest in death and dying, as well as both positive and challenging personal experiences with loved ones’ dying and death, drove Malia Dewse to establish Beyond the Will. The service provides a holistic planning approach to the end-of-life. It supports individuals and families to plan before they really need to and identify and prioritise the things that really matter to them.
Malia currently lives and works in Merri-bek with her family and a demanding cat. She loves to cook, eat, garden and plant trees as well as connect with friends and community. She is also currently on the board of Tender Funerals Greater Eastern Melbourne.
Beyond The Will (FB @BeyondTheWill)
Marieke Hardy Is Going To Die is a podcast made by Marieke Hardy (IG @marieke_hardy).
You can follow at IG @GoingToDiePod
Music by Lord Fascinator (IG @lordfascinator)
Produced by Darren Scarce (IG @Dazz26)
Video edits by Andy Nedelkovski (IG @AndyNeds)
Artwork by Lauren Egan (IG @heylaurenegan)
Photography by Eamon Leggett (IG @anxietyoptions)
With thanks to Amelia Chappelow (IG @ameliachappelow)
Camilla McKewen (IG @CamillaLucyLucy)
and Rhys Graham (IG @RhysJGraham)
Support the show via and drop an email to
Whilst acknowledging the privilege that comes with having the space to discuss death and mortality, we want to also recognise that discussing these topics can raise some wounds. Should you wish to seek extra support, please consider the following resources:
Beyond The Will (FB @BeyondTheWill)
Marieke Hardy Is Going To Die is a podcast made by Marieke Hardy (IG @marieke_hardy).
You can follow at IG @GoingToDiePod
Music by Lord Fascinator (IG @lordfascinator)
Produced by Darren Scarce (IG @Dazz26)
Video edits by Andy Nedelkovski (IG @AndyNeds)
Artwork by Lauren Egan (IG @heylaurenegan)
Photography by Eamon Leggett (IG @anxietyoptions)
With thanks to Amelia Chappelow (IG @ameliachappelow)
Camilla McKewen (IG @CamillaLucyLucy)
and Rhys Graham (IG @RhysJGraham)
Support the show via and drop an email to
Whilst acknowledging the privilege that comes with having the space to discuss death and mortality, we want to also recognise that discussing these topics can raise some wounds. Should you wish to seek extra support, please consider the following resources: