Let's Talk Clean Air | Camfil

Measuring your indoor air quality will give you a better understanding of your filter needs, but older methods of intermittent and spot checks may not be the most efficient way to protect your occupants health. 

Today we hear from an expert who advocates for the importance of real-time air quality monitoring, particularly in schools and similar settings. We learn how the dynamic nature of these buildings, including internal and external factors, requires a more sophisticated approach to air quality management and how HVAC systems can be better optimised to balance IAQ and energy output.

Our guest is passionate about the physical and cognitive benefits of IAQ management in educational settings, and is Founder and CEO of Attune, Dr. Serene Almomen. 


  • Improving air quality in schools for physical and cognitive health 
  • Why real-time air quality monitoring is crucial for managing IAQ 
  • The dynamic nature of buildings, both internally and externally
  • Balancing IAQ, energy savings and return on investment 
  • Effectively communicating IAQ data with building occupants 

Dr. Serene Almomen is a prominent figure in the field of air quality monitoring and improvement, particularly focused on enhancing indoor air quality (IAQ) in schools. 

As the co-founder and CEO of Attune (formerly Senseware), a high-growth technology company, Dr. Almomen has been at the forefront of developing innovative solutions for IAQ monitoring[2][5].

Attune is an IoT, smart building solution that provides cost-effective and secure wireless solutions to collect data and control all mechanical, electrical, plumbing and environmental systems from your facility. 



The Chief Airgonomics Officer initiative is started by Camfil, a leading manufacturer in premium clean air solutions and an advocate for access to clean air.

The Chief Airgonomics initiative is being driven at a time of urgency: sensitivities over air have heightened due to the COVID-19 pandemic, air pollutants are well known to damage the environment and the newly published WHO Air Quality Guidelines show us that air pollution is more damaging to human health than previously understood.

The initiative is a direct response to these realities while also bringing to life Camfil’s mission of protecting people, processes and the environment. It also puts into practice Camfil’s knowledge and expertise built over more than half a century and that it is eager to share with its peers and wider audiences to improve people’s lives.

Our Vision : Clean and healthy Indoor Air should be a Human right
Our Mission: We want all companies and organisations to put clean and healthy indoor air on the agenda
Camfil believes that real change can only happen through collaborative effort and wants your organisation to join the clean air movement and community. Start your clean indoor air journey today!

CAO Website: https://www.chiefairgonomicsofficer.com/ 
CAO Linkedin Group: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/12679402/ 

Let’s Talk Clean Air is produced for Camfil by Dustpod.io

We learned the hard way that it's a non-negotiable to have clean air that we breathe. You wouldn't drink water if you see that it's dirty. - Dr. Serene Almomen 

There are so many dynamic things that are happening externally and internally, that the spot checks would just not capture that. That's where real time becomes really important. - Dr. Serene Almomen 

Now, we know that there are multiple sensors that are important and each sensor ties to different aspects of how we're cleaning the air and optimizing indoor air quality in indoor spaces. - Dr. Serene Almomen 

What we do to simplify the contaminants is tied to ventilation. So we give a ventilation score versus air quality score. And that's more practical, reasonable and effective. - Dr. Serene Almomen 

#indoorairquality #filters #ventilation #cleanair #schools #co2 #teachers #health 

What is Let's Talk Clean Air | Camfil?

Discover how clean air can affect the quality process for you and the workplace from world leading experts.

We find out how controlling air can bring benefits to production plants and facilities, the health of people who work there, and bringing greater efficiencies to your final product.

We're also joined by experts from Camfil, a world leader in the development and production of air filters and clean air solutions, on what they are doing to keep air clean and safe.