The Maximum Lawyer Podcast

In this episode, Jim and Tyson will go through a list of 6 strategies to get good and relatively easy and cheap publicity.
  1. Reach out to reporters and develop a relationship before you need a story put out there.
  2. Support a cause. REALLY support it.
  3. Write a book.
  4. Start a podcast!
  5. Issue press releases.
  6. Do a CLE!
And there’s a BONUS!
KEEP HUSTLING. Keep doing things, keep meeting people, keep marketing, keep networking; KEEP DOING!
Hacking’s Hack: A podcast. Perpetual Traffic. Mostly devoted to social media strategies and advertising. Check it out:
Tyson’s Tip: An app. Lucidchart. Diagram things very easily. Easy to use.
The Maximum Lawyer Podcast. Partner up, and maximize your firm.


What is The Maximum Lawyer Podcast?

Are you running or starting your own law firm? This is your podcast.