FCLG: Farmers Sharing Calls

In this episode we explore nitrogen: its different forms, how to retain it in the soil, application timing, and why nutrient balance is important to the health of your soil and crops.

Show Notes

Listen along as guest presenter Jeremy Swanson of Agronomy Rx (Webster City, IA) discusses several aspects of nitrogen and its proper use in your agronomy program.
2:31 Jeremy's nitrogen presentation begins
3:49 Introduction to the different types of nitrogen used in farming
6:05 Discussion of UAN and its 3 components
8:40 How to protect against the offgassing of urea
11:12 Biological reactions that convert nitrogen into plant-available forms
12:40 The role of carbon in holding nitrogen in the soil
18:15 Preferred nitrogen sources (and why)
23:23 Products/strategies to reduce leaf burn from nitrogen application
24:55 When to apply various forms of nitrogen
33:00 Importance of sulfur to corn germination
36:25 Importance of amino acids; plant-based amino acids as nitrogen source
41:33 Notes on sulfur use
47:42 When is it too late to apply nitrogen?
50:23 Floury vs. flinty corn and nitrogen applications
52:32 Importance of healthy microbial populations in the soil
59:55 Importance of balanced soil biology to crop health
1:15:00 Relationship between potassium and nitrogen; "luxury consumption" and lower yields
1:23:23 Soil fungi and plant health: Mother Nature's "clean up crew"
1:29:55 Why is ammonium important for grain fill? 
1:49:50 Importance of oxygen to soil and plant health
1:54:25 Relationship of carbon and nitrogen: why add a carbon source with nitrogen applications?
2:03:28 Yield loss resulting from foliar pesticide applications

What is FCLG: Farmers Sharing Calls?

As farmers, we often choose our agronomy strategies alone, with only sales pitches to guide us. We worry for our farm’s future because our success depends on salespeople who may place their interests ahead of ours. The Fellowship of Christ Like Growers is working to change this with our Farmers Sharing Calls. Our podcasts are an opportunity to bless each other with shared knowledge without sales pitches and the pressure to buy something. We center our discussions around soil health, not a particular crop or region. My own 18-year journey in agriculture has taught me the importance of soil stewardship. And other farmers have inspired much of what I’ve learned. I’m George Sims, and I hope you’ll join us.