Infinite Live with Akasha

Infinite Live with Akasha Trailer Bonus Episode 7 Season 8

Understanding Internal Unity Consciousness from the Autism Collective Consciousness Perspective for 2022 with Erica VanEaton

Understanding Internal Unity Consciousness from the Autism Collective Consciousness Perspective for 2022 with Erica VanEatonUnderstanding Internal Unity Consciousness from the Autism Collective Consciousness Perspective for 2022 with Erica VanEaton

She guided a beautiful grounding exercise to connect you to the above and below and activate your toroidal field.

She shared a very profound insight that we are all raising our frequencies even viruses and all the bacteria our bodies are made of!

She shared how autism is a clearer connection to the full-color spectrum and they have no ego in the way we have so they open a door to a new perspective.

Erica has an amazing Free Gift: Free Access to a library of healing MP3s including a Root Chakra Expansion, Heart Chakra Healing, and more here:

How to Find Erica VanEaton:

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Manifest The Life Your Soul Intended. Adventures in LightBody and Beyond.

BlissLife with Akasha is a weekly podcast with host Nan Akasha. Come join Akasha's adventures in LightBody and Beyond.

Meditations, readings, chakras, sacred geometry and much more and beyond.

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