The H Word

The RCMP continue to murder indigenous people with impunity, Becky and Dan talk about clarity of activist language and Becky talks at length with improviser and creative leader, John Gebretatose, from Minneapolis about literal and figurative fires past and present. Covered: Brandon Ash-Mohammed, tired and wired, trolls, clarity of language, funny protest, placards, Rodney Levi, Chantel Moore, the RCMP SIU, Jackie Pirico, Regis Korchinski-Paquet, Robert Fuller, Minneapolis, shitty Targets, police brutality, depression, George Floyd, Philando Castile, Jamar Clark, Nekima Levy Armstrong, Minnesota Nice, Jacob Frey, white liberalism, the prison industrial complex, inheritance, life insurance, Eritrea, Tinder, appropriation, Tik Tok, colonial statues in rivers, Central Park Five, Jill Bernard, Black Peter, Jay-Z, The Black and Funny Festival, Huge Theatre, #GebretatoseontheCBC

What is The H Word ?

Toronto-based actor/writer/comedian/sadsacks, Becky Johnson and Dan Beirne, chat with thoughtful and interesting guests to unpack the notion of HOPE for a new, bleak decade. and @thehwordpod on social media.