Conversations with Buddy

Please join us this Friday morning as we bring to you Episode 46 of “Conversations with Buddy” with my guest and new friend, Travis Youngs! 

Travis shares life as a kid with severe ADHD.  A troubled kid that continued into early adulthood. 

Interesting how you discover over time what changes you and what really inspires you… what captivates your attention and allows you to begin to focus on what really matters and to overcome any of life’s challenges! 

Travis has now been married for 8 years and has 3 children!  He does early morning workouts with a friend/accountability partner, Bible study and he is also an entrepreneur… AND has energy for all of it! 

This will encourage you that you can do anything you set your mind to and have the support from family and friends to accomplish it! 🙌

Please… SUBSCRIBE, GIVE US A REVIEW, and SHARE “Conversations with Buddy” with your friends and family if you gained any valuable nuggets, if someone’s story impacted you or just simply made you laugh! 


What is Conversations with Buddy?

Welcome to Conversations with Buddy, where you will hear the stories of everyday people fighting through life’s challenges for meaning and purpose. From fear to faith, struggles to success, trials, and tribulations to triumph and victory. Where did they muster the courage to overcome and where does their hope come from? What is the lesson life has taught each of these people who share their stories and then be willing to share it with the world?