Conservatives' Guide

Dr, Hatdill reveals the potential issues involving the government's allowing children aged 5-12 the approved COVID vaccine in a new well-sourced research paper: Referenced Data for Parents Concerning the Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccination for Children Aged 5-12

Show Notes

Dr Steven Hatfill talks about how the federal government has suppressed peer reviewed COVID-19 treatments in favor of an unproven vaccine regiment that has proven ineffective.  We discuss the effects of the COVID “vaccine” on children and the history behind how our nation arrived at this point in pandemic treatment.  We also talk about the criminal like behavior of the media and big tech over COVID-19 therapeutic options.

Dr. Steven Hatfill is a world renown virologist who literally wrote the book on infectious design mitigation.  He was called in my President Trump to consult on ways to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.

To learn more about Dr Steven Hatfill visit:

To learn more about the book Three Seconds Until Midnight, visit:


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What is Conservatives' Guide?

The American media is no longer neutral, instead, they use their megaphone to influence American power. The ideals of America have been hijacked by people who otherwise dislike or hate American Ideology. The left presents a 'my way or the highway' argument and for decades conservatives have been letting them be—choose to ignore the ignorance. We’ve reached the tipping point and must change our very nature to fight against the liberty stripping ideals. This Podcast is meant as a tool for common sense conservatives to arm themselves against the onslaught of negativity.